How To Make a wig look Natural & Real ?
How To Make a wig look Natural & Real ? ONLY 5 Tip!
Tip 1: Pluck your wig:
Wigs can look unnatural with the thick hairline. Plucking the hair along the wig’s part and hairline can give a more natural appearance.
Tip 2: Cut your lace along with your hairline
Lace wigs come with extra lace that covers your forehead so you can easily place and secure the unit. You need to cut the extra lace.
How to cut your lace? Place your wig on your head and follow the following tips:
- Adjust the unit until it’s placed where you want to secure it later.
- Make your first cut in the middle of your forehead towards the hairline.
- As you cut along the hairline, avoid doing so in a straight line, just follow your natural hairline.
Tip 3: Blend
Use foundation or concealer on the parting and hairline area, you will get a more natural look. The lace will easy to blend into your skin.
Tip 4: Buy 100% human hair.
The best tip for how to make a wig look natural is to start with a 100% human hair wig. You care for a human hair wig much like your natural hair. Regularly washing and brushing your wig will keep it looking natural and fresh.
Tip 5: Use WowAfrican Wigs
WowAfrican did everything for you before we ship out the hair, we premade the hairline, you will get a pre-plucked hairline with the bleached knots, the lace was invisible, very easy to blends into your skin, you do not need to pluck it, bleach it or use foundation on the hairline. All the wigs are made of 100% human hair. You will get the most natural-looking with a wowafrican wig. Link to the wigs: